Setup a primary & backup configuration
Instrumental in the success of a live multi-media event, is to have a backup solution for many of the supporting systems involved. This tutorial outlines the steps you need to take in order to make a secondary workstation act as a direct backup and is ready to take over when necessary.
Another unique feature of this app is the fact that when the link between the primary and backup is enabled, any edits made to the playlist along with changes made to its assets are automatically duplicated on the backup unit. This saves you from having to manually perform those same edits on the backup.
Communication between nodes is handled using a basic ethernet connection. So, the first thing we need to do is make sure one has been established where both are sharing the same sub net IP’s. Unlike earlier A/V-Playback versions, Legion II no longer requires both machines to have inconvenient usernames and passwords for Windows login. Nor do we need to deal with aggravation of ensuring that network file sharing is configured properly. Now all file transfers can be performed internally.
So now that we have two separate networked computers, and each have a copy of Legion II installed we can begin.
Go ahead and launch Legion on both and hold when the launch control panel appears.
1) Let’s make sure that each have an appropriate asset folder established. Just so you know the folder name and locations do not need to be the same, but it might be a good idea to do so at least to give your work flow some continuity.
2) Next be sure that the correct audio output is selected especially on the backup unit.
It should be noted that if the primary playlist happens to be utilizing different audio outputs for various assets or if using a multichannel ASIO output device, it is being assumed that the backup may not have these exact same devices available. With that in mind all backup assets are stripped of those settings and will only use this chosen default.
3) Next is to designate which is the primary and which is the backup by checking the appropriate option under ‘Workstation Type’.
4) Now all you need to do is create a new playlist for both instances. Be sure the file name used on the backup is exactly the same as the primary one.
OK, now we see some additional buttons appear near the top right. This one on the primary and this one on the backup. These buttons provide you current link status as well giving you a way toggle the connection. Clicking this button from either workstaion will effect the same change.
When the link is enabled the the primary will look like this, and the backup is like this . If you want, you can go ahead and enable the link now.
OK, now we can build our playlist. From this point forward you only need to work from the primary unit.
As files are added you will see those same assets appear in the backup’s playlist. Here is the cool thing… If actual file doesn’t currently exist in the backup’s event folder, the system will automatically transfer a copy of the file to the backup for you.
Once an asset file is done loading on both machines, you free click on it in the primary machine taking it to preview. Remember, when a new file is added, it still needs to be buffered. When you take it to preview, it will buffer on both. Now you can take it to program, and it will begin playing on the backup as well.
TIP: Play between the two will be close in time but more than likely they will not be in absolute sync. However, we have found that after the asset is in preview, if you click on the pause button instead of the play button, when you click pause again the two will run very close to perfect sync.
Going forward from here:
From this point, most of the activities performed on the primary will be duplicated on the backup as well. This includes all program transport functions, (preview commands are not transferred.) and any individual property adjustments performed on all media assets.
There are however times when you may need to perform a forced update of the backup’s playlist. Like when loading on the primary, a preexisting playlist which does not exist already on the backup.
In this situation, you can, go ahead and create a new blank playlist on the backup unit then after loading the existing playlist on the primary go ahead and click this button that sits next to the “Backup Online” button. While it is working the buttons will look like this
When done updating buttons will return normal colors and you are ready to proceed.
WARNING: Any time you perform a forced refresh playback on both machines will stop and all selections for preview and program will be cleared.